Yesterday was an all-day migraine day. A day in the dark. A day spent alone.
But staying in the dark, and taking medication, drives the headache away enough that I can function. In the dark. Alone. In my chair. (moving around too much causes nausea)
But I did get work done~
I built out my capsule wardrobe (see the clothes.) I removed most of the black, which I’ve long wanted to do. I get so tired of black tees and black blouses. I want a wardrobe whose dark basic is Navy, not black. However, I suspect that I will be craving black pants by June. I love a black pant with a white button-down.

I studied the DBT book and am getting a feel for how the book is put together and how the therapy works.
And I…don’t know what I watched except STNG. Which is always fun.
And didn’t read anything.
A migraine day becomes a blur, but I don’t feel like I’m going to have an awful post-migraine day. Which is a big blessing.
Today James has the post-cataract YAG procedure. I think everybody pretty much has this done. After the cataract surgery, scar tissue builds up and is removed.
I did not eat sweets yesterday. Or fruit even. I have been hoping to get a jump on…Stopping Sugar altogether? Or Eating only sweets that don’t make me nuts and cause cravings and binging? I am hoping for the later. Pastries, cake, chocolate candy~ these make me crazed. And there is no end to it. If they are in the house I must eat them until they are all gone so I don’t think of them anymore. Except I think of the sweet things outside the house. And when I go out I gorge on them.
And sugar-free sweets and chocolate candy don’t help at all. I just binge on them too. It is the sweet TASTE that gets me.

But there are sweets that generally don’t make me obsess~
fruit–fresh, frozen, canned, dried; jam and toast; applesauce; sweetened drinks like shakes, coffees, chocolate milk; waffles/pancakes and sugar-free syrup; yogurt; granola; hard candies; (possibly soft peppermints). and a piece of plain, dark chocolate. and maybe soft caramels?
The trick will be in figuring out whether or not I can eat these things w/o triggering intense pastry and cake cravings.
And there is an entire section in the DBT book attending to “addiction.” I don’t think my cravings for sugar are a true addiction, but my behaviors are addictive. (it was helpful to write that down just now) My behaviors around sugar are addictive.
So on to the day. I will study DBT further. And attend to James. And I believe Linda Sue will come over later.
Look up!