father’s day

i drove us backroads-all-the-way down to the farm. such lovely places spaces views what an enormous and glorious country. what a pleasant time with my father. and my brother who i was not expecting. i rewrote/updated an old essay for my father and i read it aloud to him. he did not know that this is what i do. he did not remember that my brother and i played the hell out of the old piano Patches had given us. he did not remember that i wrote songs and performed them at weddings. none of this surprises me none of this was new and we had a very good time playing around on a keyboard my dad keeps in the master bedroom that is now open to the living room that is now stuffed with vacuum cleaners and old clothes. i am glad of this father’s day and all the things in it.

something is happening to me and i do not know why. this is why i ought to keep a regular journal and i have tried doing it so many ways….boo. in any case, i think my knees are healing–getting truly better. and i’ve only changed 2 things–i have been getting more protein and i am taking 1/2 dose collagen peptides with my morning coffee. it is amazing. it’s like someone is giving me meds that i don’t know about. it’s like i’ve received a shot full of pain relief into every nerve. it’s like i’ve become manic and i cannot tell. i must recheck all of my medicine trays to be sure….oh. 1 more thing. i am taking a 2x daily dose of doxycycline. this is for inflammation of the skin. is it possible that it can help inflammation of the joints? because i swear the evil attic stairs i must contend with are not hurting so much.

of course, i’m getting a migraine, but who even cares? i’ve had 2 days of increasing strength in my knees, 2 days of not dreading the stairs so much as i usually do, 2 days of feeling strong and capable.