this pool becomes an ocean

this brain is full of glitches matted trees doorstops inside my wrists this brain gallops the length of this body corridors open windows massive doorknobs this giant yellow house these pink roller skates my mother’s twister boards this brain goes for a swim in the pool in the chest the brilliant clean blue god is there it thunders this pool becomes an ocean this god becomes a kitchen mouse a pocket watch my grandfather’s hairy hands lift it up my brain becomes a galaxy rushing past the windows my house is silky white I am a ship hurtling an exploding star I have exited my eyes I am walking atop the naked skin of the world the trees hurt my feet there are girls here I recognize from my dreaming from grammar school from games we played my brain stayed inside and peers at me from inside me body I feel curious and exposed like a grape taken up by a toddler or a flock of geese.